Graphic Sources
Graphic Sources
When you view media, analyze how the words, graphics, images, and sound work together to affect the meaning.

Media often provides advertising which is a form of persuasion.  Its purpose is to get you to buy something.

Print form: ads in newspapers, magazines, posters, catalogues, and flyers.
Audio form:  ads can be sales pitches on radio shows or jingles that sell products.
Video form:  commercials on television.
Digital form:  pop-up ads on websites, ads in the side columns, and banner ads at the top.

Advertisers target an ad toward a certain audience.  They select details to appeal to this specific audience.

Advertising Techniques
Bandwagon: "everyone is doing" something.  You don't want to be left out.
Star Power: If you buy a product a star uses, you will be like that star.
Heart Strings:  an ad may tug on your heart strings by featuring a heartwarming situation.
Excitement:  If you buy this product, your life will be more exciting.

Misleading Techniques
Bigger and Better: pictures of a product may make it look bigger than it is.
Weasel Words: The statements are so vague, no one will contradict them.
Omission:  an ad may leave out important information.